Water, Weather, and Wellness

In a year when mountain snowpack has failed to reach ideal level, concern for our fisheries has been the understandable response in the Henry’s Fork community. With the expectation of...


Report 6/07/21

Greeting friends! Here we go again. Summer is in full swing: the rivers are busy, the shop and restaurant are bustling, and we’ve been seeing mid-80 temperatures this week (which is waaaaaaaay...



While the pronouncement has not always been supported by representative weather, spring has arrived on the Henry’s Fork. Perhaps the most notable seasonal indicator is a sizable increase in...

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Finding Spring

As can happen in Henry’s Fork country, the vernal equinox arrived with a winter storm that served as a reminder that nature is fully in charge of seasonal affairs. Though it began as heavy rain on...



For much of Idaho and other states in the Rocky Mountain west, March represents the connection point for spring. At lower elevation, folks are often anticipating the opening of golf courses and...

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The Process of Change

For much of the past three years we have fished in the presence of major alteration at one of the more prominent access points on the Henry’s Fork.Whether floating or wading, the sight and...


The 2020 Season on the Harriman Ranch

Ranch fishing during the year of COVID-19 was productive; however, that was balanced by significant declines in some species of aquatic and terrestrial insects which, as I shall address in detail...

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Brightness in a Dark Year

It has been widely noted that pandemic restricted urban dwellers targeted the outdoors for relief in 2020. Here on the Henry’s Fork, we were on the receiving end of a sizable invasion of...


Lucky People

In the high elevation of Henry’s Fork country, inconsistent is the only way to describe fall weather. Certainly, there are times when one can be convinced that winter lies far into the distance...


A Quiet Time

Though gradual in arriving, the warning signs are there. And the vicious cold front invading Island Park in the last week of October came as no surprise to anyone with a meaningful history in this...